Podemos encontrar microorganismos del mar profundo reposando en tumbas que ellos mismos construyeron

Imagen principal: Alvin – un vehículo de ocupación humana (VOH) sumergible diseñado para permitir la recolección de datos a profundidades hasta 6,500 m por debajo de la superficie del océano. Imágen principal cortesía de John Magyar, Caltech.

Artículo: Precipitación de sílice inducida por microorganismos en un consorcio de oxidadores anaeróbicos de metano e implicaciones para la preservación de fósiles microbianos

Autores: Daniela Osorio-Rodriguez, Kyle S. Metcalfe, Shawn E. McGlynn, Hang Yu, Anne E. Dekas, Mark Ellisman, Tom Deerinck, Ludmilla Aristilde, John P. Grotzinger, and Victoria J. Orphan

Tal vez un fin de semana en tu vida, te encuentres apilado en un vehículo todoterreno a las 6 de la mañana con otros siete estudiantes, registrando intermitentemente el dron de un profesor de geología demasiado entusiasta cuya clase tomaste para llenar un requisito de tu programa. Si es así, en ese vehículo con certeza se pronunció la proclamación “el presente es la clave del pasado”. Un estudio reciente conducido por Daniela Osorio-Rodriguez y colaboradores epitomiza el poder de esas palabras. 

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We may find deep-sea microbes resting in tombs they built themselves

Featured Image: Alvin – a submersible Human Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) designed to allow data collection at depths up to 6,500 m below the ocean surface. Featured image courtesy of John Magyar, Caltech.

Paper: Microbially induced precipitation of silica by anaerobic methane-oxidizing consortia and implications for microbial fossil preservation

Authors: Daniela Osorio-Rodriguez, Kyle S. Metcalfe, Shawn E. McGlynn, Hang Yu, Anne E. Dekas, Mark Ellisman, Tom Deerinck, Ludmilla Aristilde, John P. Grotzinger, and Victoria J. Orphan

Maybe one weekend in your life, you found yourself piling into an SUV at 6 AM with seven other students, intermittently registering the drone of an overenthusiastic geology professor whose course you took to fulfill a degree requirement. If so, in that vehicle, the proclamation that “the present is the key to the past” was certainly uttered. A recent study conducted by Daniela Osorio-Rodriguez and collaborators epitomizes the power of those words.

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New support for the origin of life in alkaline hydrothermal vents

Featured image: White flocculent mats in and around the extremely gassy, high-temperature (>100°C, 212°F) white smokers at Champagne Vent. Copyright: CC BY-SA 4.0 via. wikimedia commons.

Paper: White and green rust chimneys accumulate RNA in a ferruginous chemical garden

Authors: Vanessa Helmbrecht, Maximilian Weingart, Frieder Klein, Dieter Braun, William D. Orsi

When we think of alien worlds, we may evoke an image of vast oceans with tall scattered vertical structures, like columns or towers. By looking at pictures of alkaline hydrothermal vents, you will realize that such alien worlds do not just exist in science fiction movies. Alkaline hydrothermal vents are deep ocean environments widespread on Earth more than 4 billion years ago, in which light globular and spiky chimneys rise from the dark ocean floor. They offer a combination of chemical conditions that may have supported the first forms of life on Earth. However, alkaline hydrothermal vents have been considered inhospitable for the formation of nucleic acids, the information-storage molecules present in all living cells. A new paper from researchers at LMU Munich challenges this assumption by providing critical evidence for the stabilization of nucleic acids in alkaline hydrothermal vents, a discovery that would make these environments the most suitable candidates for the origin of life on Earth.

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How to connect methane in atmosphere to a planets geology and biology

Featuring image: Titan’s atmosphere is rich in organic molecules, but we still don’t know if there is life on Saturn’s icy moon. With JWST and the coming generation of telescopes, we will be able to observe the atmospheres of exoplanets. Is there a way to search for life on these distant worlds? NASA/JPL, public domain (CC0).

Paper: The case and context for atmospheric methane as an exoplanet biosignature

Authors: M. A. Thompson, J. Krissansen-Totton, N. Wogan, M. Telus and J. J. Fortney

Visiting and exploring exoplanets for extraterrestrial life still belong to the realm of science fiction. However, the coming generation of telescopes will enable us to look into the atmospheres of exoplanets and search for possible biosignatures, chemical compounds that could indicate the presence of life.

Searching for life on a planet is not a trivial task. Since the first Mars landing in 1976, scientists still search for recent or ancient traces of life. It becomes even more difficult on planets that we cannot directly visit. The next telescope generation will enable us to observe the atmosphere of distant planets remotely. Are there ways to find evidence of life in a planet’s atmosphere? A new study suggests that the freshly launched James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) could help us to search for life on other worlds.

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Metal-Eating Microbes Who Breathe Methane

Featured Image: Murky pond in Alaska with “rusty” iron-filled sediments. Image courtesy Jessica Buser. Used with permission.

Paper:  Sulfate- and iron-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation occurring side-by-side in freshwater lake sediment

Authors: Alina Mostovaya, Michael Wind-Hansen, Paul Rousteau, Laura A. Bristow, Bo Thamdrup

The table has been set and the food is all prepared. But this is no ordinary dinner party, it’s a microbe party! The guests sit down and proceed to dig into the main course; sulfur, rusty iron, and methane. Curiously, the guests are feeding each other, not themselves! This image seems pretty weird to us humans, but it’s a delight to these microbes. This collaborative method of eating occurs in pond and lake mud all around the world. In a new study, Mostovaya and colleagues describe one such feast in Danish Lake Ørn, that is not only collaborative but may mitigate climate change.

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